Consultations are normally by appointment, but the available doctors will see urgent cases.
After hours:
If you require medical care after hours, please phone 02 8724 6300. In emergencies, ring 000 for an ambulance.
Home and Nursing Home visits:
The doctors are available for home visits and local nursing home visits. Please phone the surgery as soon as possible after 9AM.
Telephoning your Doctor:
Doctors in the practice may be contacted by phone during normal surgery hours. If the doctor is with a patient, a message will be taken and your call returned as soon as possible. Urgent calls will be put straight through.
Range of services:
As well as routine consultations, the following services are available: Home visits, family planning, pap smears, pregnancy tests, ante-natal care, vaccination (including children and travel), medical check up and health assessment, mental health, work cover, aged care, skin check and treatment, diabetes, asthma, Implanon insertion and removal, and minor surgical procedures.
This practice bulk bills. If you do not have Medicare, fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash at $50 per visit for a standard consultation and $80 for a long consultation.
Reminder System:
Our practice is committed to preventive care. You have the option of registering to receive a reminder notice (call/SMS) regarding appropriate health care services or appointments.
We always welcome comments and suggestions regarding the care you receive at this practice. Please feel free to talk to the doctor or our receptionist. You may prefer to write to us or use our suggestion box. Alternatively, you may prefer to contact the Health Care Complaints Commission on (02) 9219 7444.